Adventures in Consciousness with Ariana JULY

Saturday July 14th, 4-5pm, by Donation - “Adventures in Consciousness with Ariana” is a monthly exploratory, experiential and experimental event. 

We will gather, connect and feel into the unified energy field of the group and the collective. The energies prevalent in this field will be on the forefront of our consciousness, inviting us to play.  

During this particular post solstice event we will work with tones and light language on the cellular and DNA level in order to shift the physical, mental, and emotional body into a state of coherence and health.

We will be activating the multidimensional brain and strengthening the “feeling muscle”. This is something new for all of us. How do you communicate with the unseen and undefined? That which is always moving, changing, shifting frequency? How do you translate THAT into human words? Do you need to? Can you express it in another way? 

These events could be referred to as the “Multidimensional Playground”, where we explore the heart space as the entry point to the inner worlds of infinite possibilities, where there’s no limit to what we can manifest, CO-CREATE, birth, experience, encounter and play with.

Through guided meditation and energy exercises we will explore a wide variety of topics relevant to the Journey of Awakening:

Unified Energy Fields
Multidimensional Self & Multidimensional Communication
Bilocation and Interdimensional Travel
DNA Activation, Light Body, Merkaba
Portals, Gateways, Gridwork
Healing, Self-healing, Rejuvenation
Ascension and Embodiment of the True Self
Taos City of Light

We are all awakening and beginning to REMEMBER that we are multidimensional beings. As we are all very unique in our genetic design and star heritage, we will empower and inspire each other to bring out the inherent skills hidden in our subconscious.

This is an ongoing event. We meet every second Saturday of the month.

By donation. 

Hosted by Ariana (aka Vera Le Doux):

Personal sessions includes hands on healing and activation of your ultimate potential. By donation.


Circle of Light - Attune to the Harmonic Rays of the Pure One through an Energetic Activation

Circle of Light - Saturday, June 30, 1pm- 2pm, By Donation
Attune to the Harmonic Rays of the Pure One through an Energetic Activation
Experience expansion, peace and deep insights about your divine essence.
Light language, divine song and guided visualization offered by
Marla Ima Shanti read more about her at:

8 Week Tribal Fusion Belly Dance Workshop with Alana Grier

May 19th through July 7th, Saturdays 10:30 to 12:00, Drop Ins Welcome

Learn a fusion of different approaches to Belly Dance from American Tribal Style to ancient birth preparation. There is a good flow from strengthening drills to group choreography throughout the class.

Alana Grier, LMT, E-RYT, is a professionally trained dancer who began studying Matriarchal Belly Dance in 1986.

Her Tribal Fusion Bellydance class is a supportive community for women of all ages and phases of life through dance.

Belly Dance fundamentals covered:

• Prayer/Pranam Centering Exercise

• Technique & Drills

• Choreography Cues & Group Patterns

• Synchronized Group Improvisation

• Learn to Lead and Follow

• Finger Cymbal Patterns

• Tribal Costume Making

No previous dance experience necessary. 

Prenatal friendly.

Only $70 for all 8 weeks or $10 suggested drop in.

High Frequency Loft (HFL) 1335 Gusdof Suite Q

HFL members and punch cards welcome

Call 575-224-2022 for more information


Soothe Your Psoas - Trauma Informed Yoga - 3 week Series w/ Nita Maddux

Tuesdays 4:30-6pm, Beginning 6/12-6/26, By DONATION, attend all four or just drop in :)

What is trauma informed yoga? Well, honestly almost all hatha yoga is trauma informed.  It is the awareness that our body holds onto the tension and memories from past events. Through reworking the pattern of breathing, and releasing tension sometimes the past trauma is also able to release.  

 When we take the body out of patterns of flight or fight behavior something else happens. The executive functions of the brain become more available. These are the ability to look ahead, and see consequences of your actions, and make more rational decisions; the ability to remain in equilibrium while facing difficult, potentially triggering scenarios.

What do we do?  Through breath work practices, literally changing your patterns of breathing, stretching in specific shapes, and playfully changing old patterns of movement; we are able to break old patterns of thought and behavior. Many people experience deep relaxation and release from tension.

How effective is it? It is different for every person, how open are you to change?

I am offering this as a donation class. Come and try it, and decide if you want to pay after, and only pay what you can comfortably afford. This class will be adapted to who shows up; the level will vary depending on the participants. However, there is always opportunity for challenges for even the most experienced yogi. Further, this is an opportunity for teachers to learn a potentially new style.

Come, play, breathe, and learn to release.

Nita Maddux Bio:

Educational/ Certification Background: I have a degree in Fine Arts/ Dance from Boston University from 1990; I returned to school and received a degree in Physics from University of Montana in 2009.  I am a certified RYS 200 Iyengar instructor.  I took my yoga training at Maui Yoga Shala.  I further took a training in Ubud, Bali at Frog Lotus School in recovery yoga, also RYS 200 certified. I received both certifications in 2013. I have taken trainings from Elena Brower in Yoga Nidra, and from Deepak Chopra in embodied yoga. I have done two trainings with Desiree Rumbaugh.

Personal yogic philosophy:

I enjoy teaching to students at all levels. I am focused on teaching alignment, and taking the time to clearly describe the alignment elements in challenging postures.  I think that intelligent sequencing of postures is essential for allowing the practitioner to develop strength, spacial understanding, and to explore the emotional process triggered through a regular practice. I believe a regular yoga practice deepens our relationship to our physical, and subtle body. It therefore, allows the individual to awaken their own healing processes at the deepest level. I welcome the challenge, and love to research how to work with people with injuries or health challenges. Often those who think yoga is not for them, are the exact people who ought to practice. I believe in creating joyful, creative, intelligent flows. I believe each practice should be fun, engaging, and an intelligent conversation with your body. I am committed to taking my yoga off the mat, and offering donation or free classes. Further, I like to teach to senior groups, children’s groups, and would like to do further work with the criminal justice system. Yoga to me is an important service, and a great way to build community.

Full Moon Solo Sacred Sexuality Workshop - Sex Magic for WOMXN with Rae Halder

Solo Sex Magic for Womxn, Sunday April 29th, 4pm-7pm, $30 Suggested Donation (pay what you can) 


Our sexual energy is one of the most powerful sources of manifestation available to humans. Yet it's one that's thoroughly under utilized, having deep imbedded shame around it (not to mention the fear of witches, i.e. women who heal through utilizing their energy). In this practice of sex magic you’re using your sexual energy -- the energy typically utilized for creating a baby -- to manifest your desires. You’re using your sexual energy as fuel. It’s basically one of the most powerful sources of manifestation available to humans. Yet one that is thoroughly under utilized, and has deep embedded shame around it.

A lot of us have shame around our desires. Fear around getting what we really want. So this workshop also works toward uncovering our shadows when it comes to manifestation and magic. 

The following components will be covered:

- how to create a solid intention that works for sex magic

- how to harness your sexual energy to use it for manifesting your desires

- how to do shadowwork to understand what might be blocking you from your manifestations

- how to recognize that this work is sacred and holy work, not just work of the "gluttonous or greedy"

- how to channel your sexual energy through powerful embodied practices

Alchemical Writing Group Series

Alchemical Writing Group

Wednesday’s from 3-5, April 18th & April 25th, 2018

To survivors of PTSD - To survivors of Psychiatry - To the Outcast & the Alienated -To those who stay SILENT and stay HIDDEN - COME AND SPREAD YOUR WINGS WITH US - Come and Share your TEARS & your JOY - your Light and your Dark - Your Sun and your Shadows - Come and sit with us, to WRITE, to READ, to Witness and BE witnessed....

-This group is suited for conscious and aware individuals who are or who are attempting to live a chemical free and holistic lifestyle.        

 -A safe and sacred healing container will be created,  however, please have a support system in place, outside of group, for processing, if needed.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 -Essential oils and flower essences will be available to assist in the process.

- Space is limited to 6  

 - Sliding scale $10 - $20 per class 

 - Pencils, pens & paper provided (journal suggested) 

 - Prompts will be 3 minutes long

Faith Edgewalker is a Alchemical life coach who assists and supports beings in their own healing process of transitioning away from mind control systems, patterns and programs. She facilitates people in their transition, drawing from her own personal journey of experiences, education and training.  Faith has emerged from over 3 decades of emotional, spiritual and physical suppression, transmuting her own extraordinary personal experiences. Nearly 5 years chemical free, she has been transforming into her authentic multi-dimensional divine self through art, writing, dance and ceremony.


For more information & to register, please contact Faith: 


Solo Sacred Sexuality Workshop w/ Rachel Rae Halder

Saturday February 24th, 1pm-4pm, $25-$45 Sliding Scale

All Genders & sexual orientations welcome!

 February is the month of love. But without the focus of love for one’s self, how do we expect to be exceptional lovers towards others?


Join us for a day of solo sacred sexuality play, where you’ll learn tools, practices and transmissions for how to open up to the depths of your sacred sexual powers. Whether you’re in a relationship, have lots of lovers or have been on a celibate path for years and intend to remain celibate, this workshop offers meaningful methods to tap into your root and sacral chakras, integrating them into your whole body-mind system so you can live life in an embodied, open, spiritually in-touch and connected way.

The main premise of Tantra is that EVERYTHING has consciousness within it. You can’t separate an elusive world with a spirituality somewhere else -- there is consciousness everywhere, within everything, and that reality can be tapped into from within.

Tantra is built around practices that help support this truth within you, making this real. This workshop will offer both classical and neo-tantric practices, mixed with Taoism, neuroscience and sacred sexuality practices from many traditions.


Lunar New Year Ceremony - Throwing of the Bones - Peruvian Healing Art w/ Joanne Dodgson

New Years Ceremony - Peruvian Divination & Healing Art

Bone Throwing in the ways of Ka Ta See is an ancient divination ceremony and healing art. Bone Throws offer guidance and doctoring from the sixty-plus Spirits in the bone bundle. Experience the beauty and healing of this ancient ceremony during our gathering.

Sunday February 18th, 1pm-3pm, $20 suggested donation

JoAnne Dodgson is a healer, teacher, and ceremonial guide in the ways of Ka Ta See, a tradition from the Eastern Andes.

A very special gathering to honor our mothers ~ your mother • 505.579.0074

Art & Yoga - Sri Yantra with Adi Luna

Saturday January 21st 12pm-3pm, $25 includes all materials

Join Adi Luna for Art & Yoga. A one hour asana practice will help you dive deep into your inner & outer worlds, followed by an hour of movement & loving thoughts. After aligning with source we will tap into our creative selves & manifest a Sri Yantra. The Sri Yantra is a meditative device of sacred geometry, where the physical & spiritual worlds as well as the masculine & feminine worlds meet, thus balance happens. Getting you closer to the sacred land, the sacred source, your sacred self.


Young Women's Circle - Herbs, Earth & Moon

A bi-weekly gathering for 12 year old girls to promote sisterhood & empowerment, physical, psychological, spiritual well being & self love through self care. This is a safe, fun, inspirational space for navigating the changes from childhood to womanhood while deepening into a support network with other young women under the gentle guidance of big sisters & aunties who will share their wisdom, gifts & tools. There will be different guest speakers each week to give the girls various flavors of role models; all women walking their empowered path.

The Schedule:

Dec 3rd- Discovering the Goddess; 
self care & our gifts
Dec 17th - Herbs, Earth & Moon; herbal remedies, our physical connection to the earth, menstruation & moon cycles. *Solstice celebration
Dec 31st - Embracing Winter & New Year; inner world, listening to the body, observing the mind, setting intention & goals
Jan 14th - Rituals & Routines; caring for mind, body & spirit with daily practice
Jan 21st - *12pm-3pm special time* Respecting & Protecting; Sacred body & sexuality  
Feb 4th - Initiation into womanhood

Want to know more? Join us
Sunday November 26th, 4:30pm-5:30pm for a
meet & greet/ Q&A with the main facilitator, Krystal Cretecos
contact: 720-355-2555

Dhvani 200 Hr Yoga Teacher Training Meet & Greet

200-RYT® Dhvani Yoga Teacher Training - Taos, NM 2018
12 Weekends of Yoga - January 6th through June 3rd 2018
Free Meet and Greet December 9th 5pm-6pm at High Frequency Loft

Escape to Taos, NM and develop a deep and rewarding life long practice of Yoga! Over 6 months, we will meet every other weekend for 12 weekend workshops that take place on Saturdays and Sundays from 11-6 at High Frequency Loft.

This unique Yoga Alliance Approved RYS 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) is not only for teachers! Students hoping to gain a deeper understanding of Yoga and establish an individualized practice, are encouraged to join. This program offers a well rounded knowledge base for interested Yoga practitioners and instructors to develop a fulfilling life long practice.

Inner Dolphin Awakening - In-depth Self Exploration Workshop

Inner Dolphin Awakening ~ In-depth Self-exploration Workshop 

When: Saturday, 12/9/17, 1-5pm, Suggested contribution: $65

Discover 7 dolphin points on human body

What if everything you knew to be true about dolphins was inside you? Could it be that, in a quantum way, there's already a part of you that knows pure joy and dolphins are just trying to remind you of that?

This workshop is designed to open the door and start building a bridge to a quantum part of you called Inner Dolphin. Jan has discovered 7 dolphin points on human body, that are like inter-dimensional gateways, that allow for the qualities that we admire in dolphins to start flowing into our lives. It is both simple and profound. And it starts with self-love. If love is the basis for telepathy and inter-species communication then self-love is the basis for communication between your human self and other levels of your consciousness.

7 dolphin points are simply invitations, it is for you to do the journey and claim what has always been yours. Are you ready?

1. Dolphin nose: CURIOSITY

“I am curious and I love to explore.”

2. Dolphin smile: JOY

“I am joyful and I love life.”

3. Dolphin eyes: BEAUTY

“I see the beauty and blessings of life.”

4. Blowhole: BREATH

“I breathe deeply. I use my breath to bring in my soul.”

5. Pectoral fins: TELEPATHY

“My heart is always open. I explore telepathy and inter-species communication.”


“I am a multi-dimensional being, filled with light, color and sound. Self-love builds a bridge to my quantum nature.”

7. Dolphin tail: GAIA

“I embody Gaia. I am one with the soul of the planet.”

This workshop will be filled with practical exercises (individual and group), meditations and Inner Dolphin explorations. You will get spiritual tools to take home and use in your daily life. The intention is for a permanent change to occur within you, where you become aware of the beauty of your soul. And hopefully you get to laugh in the process and enjoy the ride!

Where: High Frequency Loft, 1335 Gusdorf Rd, Suite Q, Taos, NM 

Reserve your spot at:


Get CPR/AED/First Aid Certification Renewal with Alana Grier

Time to get your CPR/AED/First Aid Certification Renewal!

Saturday October 21st


CPR/AED card $40.00

With First Aid $50.00

CPR/AED and First Aid

Classes and 2 year certification cards with ASHI. The purpose of the Adult CPR/AED course is to give individuals in the workplace the knowledge and skills necessary to recognize and provide basic first aid care for breathing and cardiac emergencies until advanced medical personnel arrive and take over. This course includes use of automated external defibrillators (AEDs). This course also teaches participants: priority of care; safety concerns; and first aid skills. 

With Alana Grier LMT, RYT, Cht, Certified Professional Coach, Yoga Therapy and Personal Training.

High Frequency Loft (HFL) - 1335 Gusdorf Road, Suite Q



Usui/Holy Fire II REIKI Level One Training w/ Bee Falcon

Join Bee Falcon, MA, Intuitive Reader, & Usui/Holy Fire II Reiki Master for Usui/Holy Fire II Reiki Level One Training.

Wednesday, 10/11/17 & Friday, 10/13/17

 1:15 pm – 4:30 pm each day

Learn Reiki as a gentle though profound energy healing modality. Reiki is a peaceful path of relaxation, relief from anxiety, pain, & stress, as well as a spiritual meditative practice. This class will mainly focus on the Intuitive Method of Reiki healing. We will use the International Center for Reiki Training Reiki Levels One & Two manual as reference during class. This comprehensive manual includes the traditional Hayashi hand methods & information on Japanese and Reiki healing techniques. It is not required to purchase for this class, though will be available for additional $20.  

What to Expect in Bee’s Usui/Holy Fire II Reiki Level One class:

  • Empowering, Intuitive, heart-guided Reiki
  • Learn how to facilitate a dynamic Reiki healing session
  • An historical perspective on the evolution of Reiki that will explore the Usui Sensei lineage leading to William Lee Rand, founder of the International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT) who taught Bee’s teachers & mentors
  • Reflect on the development of Usui Reiki and Holy Fire Reiki as taught by the ICRT
  • Explore Reiki as a path to personal & collective healing through prayer, meditation, & various treatment techniques
  • Participate in discussions, healing experiences, and hands-on sessions both giving & receiving Reiki
  • Guidance from a Usui/Holy Fire II Reiki Master & MA, Anthropology with an empathic healing background.
  • Receive a Usui/Holy Fire II Reiki Level One practitioner certificate from the ICRT upon successful completion of the class.
  • Cost for both days of Reiki Level One training is $80 per person


MogaDao Sacred Daoist Sexuality with Nikesha Breeze

Sunday October 8th:
4pm-6pm                        6pm-8pm
male identifying         female identifying

In this months’s ongoing series of workshops we’ll be continuing to learn and practice the MogaDao sexual essence qigong forms and introduce the personal sexual vitality and self-cultivation practices, including internal alchemy, accupressure, massage andbreath work.   These workshops will focus in part on the practices that relate directly to the anatomies of males and females respectively, and/or the energies thereof. Gender non-conforming individuals, transgender individuals, and intersex individuals may study in whichever context(s) they identify.

We will also be discussing the nature of sacred sexuality, personal practice and energetic care with regard to various styles of relationship; we will be addressing the powerful and important association between healing (from chronic illnesses) and the very particular practices and ideologies of MogaDao Sacred Daoist Sexuality; and spiritually we’ll be addressing the question of how sexuality and spirituality are integrated in MogaDao: The Way of Complete Harmony, for all individuals, from the consciously celibate to those in sexual relationships. 

These teachings and practices are derived from the original practice tradition of MogaDao, created and founded by Zhenzan Dao. For more information please visit 

$30 or sliding scale $0-$45

high frequency loft
1331 gusdorf road suite q, Taos

Reiki Healing Heart Meditation with Bee Falcon

Thursday, October 5th, 2017

10 am – 11 am

Join Bee Falcon, MA, Usui/Holy Fire II Reiki Master for a Reiki Healing Heart Meditation. 

No prior knowledge of Reiki needed; just the intent to meditate for relaxation, stress-relief & to experience a heart-centered healing frequency. 

This is a Reiki meditation that works with the healing powers of intent through the vista of your heart & the movement of your breath. In addition to experiencing a Reiki healing frequency, we will explore a connection to the heart chakra for subtle though profound energetic healing. This meditation will incorporate the power of breath, mudras, guided visualization, & Reiki healing. Furthermore, the meditation will offer a supportive sacred space to receive guidance from the wisdom of your compassionate heart. This is a free event. Donations appreciated. 

@ The High Frequency Loft

1335 Gusdorf Road, Suite Q 

Taos, NM 87571


Mind Gymnasium - Activate your full Potential w/ Samuel Favero

Sunday September 10th, 5pm 

Mind Gymnasium - led by Samuel Favero
Enhance your focus. Activate your unconscious power and intelligence. Manifest your full potential.

Mind Gymnasium is a workshop designed to introduce participants to traditional and cutting edge methods of performance enhancement through mental training. Breathwork, Guided Imagery, Auto-Suggestion, and Trance Utilization will be used in conjunction with physical practice and group exercises to demonstrate how altered states of consciousness can be used for personal development. 

Samuel Favero is a Wilderness EMT, Personal Trainer, Certified Hypnotherapist, and author of Knearl Znapps’s Book of Trances. 

DIY with Shea Butter & Essential Oils - Toothpaste & Deodorant, Face/Body products

Friday August 25th for 7-9pm. Join us to learn how to Do It Yourself & make your own face & body cream, face/body wash, tooth paste & deodorant using raw organic shea butter and essential oils. $25- $30 to make some great products & learn about the benefits of essential oils for your skin from head to toe.
appetizers provided :)

Solar Eclipse Light Transmission

Welcome to another Adventure in Consciousness with Ariana.

On Monday, August 21 the sun, moon and Earth will line up in an act of cosmic serendipity that will turn day into night across the 2,680-mile width of the United States. This is a major event that will be witnessed by many and marks a huge RESET, the ramifications of which we will probably not see until later this fall. A new understanding of how the body is simply a manifestation of your thoughts and beliefs is possible, as well as a deep healing and reset of what has been perceived as damaged, lacking or diseased. You have the potential to reset your relationship to your body and your physical well-being.  

We will gather in a circle, open a portal of light and feel into the energies that will be available to us on this day. This event is a ceremony, an adventure in consciousness and activation of your ultimate potential. We will bathe in the light of who we are and share us selves with the wider collective on quantum particle level. There's nothing to do - but be - be your true self and shine your light upon this world! 

According to my Acturian guides this solar eclipse will be a rehearsal for the Ascension and intersection of dimensions, which is why we will be focusing during the guided meditation on activation of our individual and collective Merkaba.

After the guided meditation we will go outside and watch the peak of the eclipse, which will be a partial eclipse here in Taos.

This is a free event, donations greatly appreciated. 
Feel free to invite your friends.

It is recommended to bring crystals and water to charge by the high frequencies we will be transmitting. Some of the crystals will be burried around the perimeter of Taos with intention to hold the frequencies in our community, the water can be used as a homeopathic remedy to enhance the frequency of you water at home.

Hosted by Vera Ariana Le Doux -

Location - High Frequency Loft: A space for mindful movement & uplifting events. Acro. Yoga. Fitness. Dance. Qigong. Meditation. Music. Art. Life. 

(We will be sitting on the floor, if you have physical issues, consider bringing a chair.)

A note on timing: There's a 9-10 class before our event and a 11-12 class afterwards. Please be on time.