Dolphin Evening: Stories of Joy, Telepathy & Multi-dimensionality with Jan Lemuri


Stories of Joy, Telepathy and Multi-dimensionality

Come join us for a presentation of Jan's underwater adventures with Spinner dolphins of Hawaii, Dusky dolphins of New Zealand, Risso's dolphins of Azores and Humpback whales of Tonga. The evening will be filled with stories. photos and videos, exploring subjects like swimming with dolphins in the wild, telepathy (interspecies communication) and Inner Dolphin Awakening. We will also enhance personal connection through interactive exercises and meditation. 


Where: High Frequency Loft, 1335 Gusdorf Road, Suite Q, Taos

When: Friday, 10/27/17, 7pm-9:30pm

Suggested donation: $15

About the presenter: Jan Lemuri is a dolphin lover, traveler, explorer, poet and massage therapist; originally from Slovenia, Europe. He started exploring his dolphin connection 14 years ago when dolphins started to visit him in his dreams. His journey took him to meet and often swim with cetaceans in Hawaii, Azores (Portugal), Croatia, New Zealand, Tonga and Australia. In 2012 he finished his studies of social work with a thesis on Dolphin Assisted Therapy. He is passionate about awakening our inner dolphin – part of us that is joyful, curious and quantum – and is writing a book about it. He currently resides in Taos, NM with his wife and a 2-year old daughter.

Song Circle with Tilo & Krystal

We invite you to come together in community to offer our songs out into the Universe as a prayer.  We will share medicine songs and musical prayers from around the world.  All are welcome to share a song that speaks to your soul; this is a space for co-creation where all are welcome, all are accepted and appreciated.  Please bring your musical instruments, your voices, your prayers, meditations and intentions and your loved ones.  We look forward to harmonizing with you!

Donations for the space greatly appreciated. Sunday October 22nd, 4-5:30pm 


Get CPR/AED/First Aid Certification Renewal with Alana Grier

Time to get your CPR/AED/First Aid Certification Renewal!

Saturday October 21st


CPR/AED card $40.00

With First Aid $50.00

CPR/AED and First Aid

Classes and 2 year certification cards with ASHI. The purpose of the Adult CPR/AED course is to give individuals in the workplace the knowledge and skills necessary to recognize and provide basic first aid care for breathing and cardiac emergencies until advanced medical personnel arrive and take over. This course includes use of automated external defibrillators (AEDs). This course also teaches participants: priority of care; safety concerns; and first aid skills. 

With Alana Grier LMT, RYT, Cht, Certified Professional Coach, Yoga Therapy and Personal Training.

High Frequency Loft (HFL) - 1335 Gusdorf Road, Suite Q



Honu a'la Dance Circle with Babe Helvey

“Honu a’la” ~ The Turtle’s Way

Saturday October 21st, 2pm-3:30pm

In Honuala Dance Circle we will honor the path of the turtle. Everyone who attends will be encouraged to participate in their own way, and at their own pace. We will come together to celebrate the spirit of serenity and joy. Sometimes all we need is a simple positive reset to help us remember how to lead from the heart. These songs and dances are based on the idea of living in beauty. They have the unique ability to bring people closer, while allowing walls to fall away. Plus, they’re fun! Honuala Dances are gentle, non-religious, meditative movement that requires no skill or previous experience. Come explore a new way of shedding stress and casting off the burden of the world. Find peace through community movement and song.

sliding scale $15


Growing up on a mango farm in Honaunau, on the big Island of Hawaii, Babe Helvey learned the gentle power of a simple song. Inspired by the Honu, or Sea Turtle, she continues to share her rhythms, dances and stories. Currently living in Taos, New Mexico, Babe brings a lifetime of treasures to share. Her body of work contains music, poetry, story, dance, song, and other surprises. Come see what flows forth.

Movement & Performance Theatre: Somatic & Embodiment Training for Actors, Change Agents, Movers & Shakers with Visudha de los Santos

Movement & Performance Theatre

Somatic & Embodiment Training for Actors, Change Agents, & Mover and Shakers! 

October 14th, 2017, 12 – 6 p.m.- High Frequency Loft

A fun, exploratory & experiential, introductory movement course to harness your innate bodily wisdom and shift your bodily consciousness. Through accessing your body-state, sensory-motor perception, and intentionally directed action you can become the embodiment of any persona you desire. 

You will breathe, sense, move and touch in an effort to recover your own wisdom and creativity. Recognizing that the mind moves and shapes the body, we will forge connections between the mind and body. You will access and construct knowledge in the body (thus increasing your body vocabulary and gestures); and deepen your ability to act and respond in the world.  You will move in new ways; transform your experience of your self; generate greater stage presence; and strengthen your performance skills all from a place of greater authenticity and ease.

About The Teacher:

Visudha de los Santos – Musician, dancer, director and artist is trained in expressive arts and somatic psychology; the 5Rhythms movement meditation practice; and vibrational sound.  Creator of the GongJourney, & the School of Mystery in Motion, she is an international awareness and transformation coach and teacher.  Known for her presence, clarity and passion for life, she will rock your world!

Please wear layers of clothes that you can sweat in.

Please be fed but not overly full – it would be a good day for brunch!

Please bring: 3-5 accessories/props, water bottle, & a snack.

Be ready to move, be moved, play and create.

$60 Presale Tickets available online at

$75-$100 sliding scale at the door

Usui/Holy Fire II REIKI Level One Training w/ Bee Falcon

Join Bee Falcon, MA, Intuitive Reader, & Usui/Holy Fire II Reiki Master for Usui/Holy Fire II Reiki Level One Training.

Wednesday, 10/11/17 & Friday, 10/13/17

 1:15 pm – 4:30 pm each day

Learn Reiki as a gentle though profound energy healing modality. Reiki is a peaceful path of relaxation, relief from anxiety, pain, & stress, as well as a spiritual meditative practice. This class will mainly focus on the Intuitive Method of Reiki healing. We will use the International Center for Reiki Training Reiki Levels One & Two manual as reference during class. This comprehensive manual includes the traditional Hayashi hand methods & information on Japanese and Reiki healing techniques. It is not required to purchase for this class, though will be available for additional $20.  

What to Expect in Bee’s Usui/Holy Fire II Reiki Level One class:

  • Empowering, Intuitive, heart-guided Reiki
  • Learn how to facilitate a dynamic Reiki healing session
  • An historical perspective on the evolution of Reiki that will explore the Usui Sensei lineage leading to William Lee Rand, founder of the International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT) who taught Bee’s teachers & mentors
  • Reflect on the development of Usui Reiki and Holy Fire Reiki as taught by the ICRT
  • Explore Reiki as a path to personal & collective healing through prayer, meditation, & various treatment techniques
  • Participate in discussions, healing experiences, and hands-on sessions both giving & receiving Reiki
  • Guidance from a Usui/Holy Fire II Reiki Master & MA, Anthropology with an empathic healing background.
  • Receive a Usui/Holy Fire II Reiki Level One practitioner certificate from the ICRT upon successful completion of the class.
  • Cost for both days of Reiki Level One training is $80 per person


MogaDao Sacred Daoist Sexuality with Nikesha Breeze

Sunday October 8th:
4pm-6pm                        6pm-8pm
male identifying         female identifying

In this months’s ongoing series of workshops we’ll be continuing to learn and practice the MogaDao sexual essence qigong forms and introduce the personal sexual vitality and self-cultivation practices, including internal alchemy, accupressure, massage andbreath work.   These workshops will focus in part on the practices that relate directly to the anatomies of males and females respectively, and/or the energies thereof. Gender non-conforming individuals, transgender individuals, and intersex individuals may study in whichever context(s) they identify.

We will also be discussing the nature of sacred sexuality, personal practice and energetic care with regard to various styles of relationship; we will be addressing the powerful and important association between healing (from chronic illnesses) and the very particular practices and ideologies of MogaDao Sacred Daoist Sexuality; and spiritually we’ll be addressing the question of how sexuality and spirituality are integrated in MogaDao: The Way of Complete Harmony, for all individuals, from the consciously celibate to those in sexual relationships. 

These teachings and practices are derived from the original practice tradition of MogaDao, created and founded by Zhenzan Dao. For more information please visit 

$30 or sliding scale $0-$45

high frequency loft
1331 gusdorf road suite q, Taos

Surya Namaskar - Solar Powered Sadhana - Four Week Series: Part 1 - w/ Yamuna Devi

Surya Namasker – Solar Powered Sadhana 

Four week series Sundays 1:30pm-3pm beginning October 8th.

Until the early 20th century, Surya Namaskar was a Vedic practice – a ritual honoring the arrival of Surya, the Sun and was practiced as a morning prayer.  The Sun Salutation was much more than an exercise, and praised the Sun in 12 aspects as he moves through the 12 astrological houses.   The Sun Salutation began being integrated into Hatha Yoga practice after Swami Sivananda recognized the many health benefits that are a side effect of the practice, sometime in the late 1930’s-40’s.  Today, Surya Namaskar is found in many lineages of Hatha Yoga.

A four week series exploring the Vedic roots and history of the classical Salutation to the Sun and its evolution into a completeHatha Yoga practice. Learn how to activate the chakras and chant the bija (seed) sounds and mantras for each posture.  Appropriate modifications of all postures and movements can easily be modified for both the beginner and the experienced student, as well as those with physical or medical limitations.  Each class will include theory as well as practice, so bring a notebook and pen, as well as your mat, and will conclude with guided deep relaxation.  You can attend any or all of the first three sessions, however Week 4 requires participation in the preceding sessions.

Week 1:  Surya Namaskar - Salutation to the Sun
In the first class, you will be introduced to the Classical Sun Salutation with a focus on correct alignment in each position. Modifications andadaptations will be offered that will allow all levels of student to comfortably practice Surya Namaskar.  Students with medical or physical limitations will be shown how to safely accommodate individual needs.  

Week 2:  Surya Namaskar and Solar Chakra Activation
When we practice the Salutation to the Sun, powerful activation of the chakras can be consciously initiated through visualization and intention. Not only are the major chakras brought into play, but also some of the many minor chakras located in the body.  In the second portion of class, you will learn how to combine the chakra work with the Sun Salutation.

Week 3:  Surya Namaskar and the Bija Sounds and Mantras
In the Vedic tradition, each of the postures of the Sun Salutation has a one syllable ‘seed’  sound, and a Surya mantra describing the attributes of the Sun. The mantras may be recited as a meditation, as well as incorporated into Surya Namaskar, which will be covered in the second portion of this class.  


Week 4:  Integration of Surya Namaskar – Solar Powered Sadhana. 
In the final installment of the series, a brief review of chakra activation and the bijas and mantras will move us into a practice that will blend all aspects into the actual practice, creating the Solar Powered Sadhana!  Participation in the first three classes is necessary as this is the culmination of the series!

$20/Class or all four $75 in advance!  Sliding Scale – no one turned away for lack of funds.


Yamuna Devi, CYT, TY YTT has been teaching the Yogic Arts and Sciences for 30 years, including Hatha, Raja, Karma, Bhakti and Nada Yoga, as well as the vibrational aspects of Sanskrit. A Reiki Master, Yamuna corrected her own scoliosis and rotated pelvis, and intuitively understands the needs and how to best work with each individual student, helping to identify and overcome perceived limitations and obstacles.  She is truly in her element when she is sharing knowledge with those who are hungry. She has taught around the US, India and Crete and was an original cofounder of the Three Rivers Yoga Institute, where she also trained teachers for 12 years.  Yamuna is also a potter, Animal Communicator, Kirtan Singer and Dog Mom to three rescues.

Reiki Healing Heart Meditation with Bee Falcon

Thursday, October 5th, 2017

10 am – 11 am

Join Bee Falcon, MA, Usui/Holy Fire II Reiki Master for a Reiki Healing Heart Meditation. 

No prior knowledge of Reiki needed; just the intent to meditate for relaxation, stress-relief & to experience a heart-centered healing frequency. 

This is a Reiki meditation that works with the healing powers of intent through the vista of your heart & the movement of your breath. In addition to experiencing a Reiki healing frequency, we will explore a connection to the heart chakra for subtle though profound energetic healing. This meditation will incorporate the power of breath, mudras, guided visualization, & Reiki healing. Furthermore, the meditation will offer a supportive sacred space to receive guidance from the wisdom of your compassionate heart. This is a free event. Donations appreciated. 

@ The High Frequency Loft

1335 Gusdorf Road, Suite Q 

Taos, NM 87571


Classical Music of India CD Release Party "PEACE" - Ty Burhoe on Tabla & Steve Oda on Strode

Friday September 29th, 7pm

Experience the Soul stirring beauty of classical Indian Music at this CD Release celebration. This concert will feature the musical genius of Steve Oda (senior disciple of Ustad Ali Akbar Khan) and the inspired accompaniment of Ty Burhoe (disciple of Ustad Zakir Hussain). 

The New Album "PEACE" will be available at this concert celebration.

Tickets only $10 at

More about the artists here:

Steve Oda -

Ty Burhoe -

Fall Equinox - Transmission of Light Meditation with Ariana

Welcome to another Adventure in Consciousness with Ariana.  Friday September 22nd, 5-7pm.

The Fall Equinox is the first day of fall and signifies the start of shorter days and longer nights in the Northern Hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere, the opposite takes place. On this day, both day and night are equal, with 12 hours of light and 12 hours of dark.

The astrological sign Libra also begins on the Fall Equinox. Libra's astrological symbol is based on the Equinox. Libra's symbol is a scale - representing the balance of light and dark.

Balance of light and dark, coming into neutrality and alignment with the Source will be the focus for our ceremony. 

We will gather in a circle, open a portal of light and feel into the energies that will be available to us on this day. We will bathe in the light of who we are and share us selves with the wider collective on quantum particle level. There's nothing to do - but be - be your True Self and shine your light upon this world! 

Hosted by Ariana (aka Vera lLe Doux)

This is a free event, donations greatly appreciated.

FREE Youth DJ Workshop Sponsored by Field Tripping Fest

Friday September 15th, 4:30-6pm

Sponsored by the FTFest non-profit partner, Give a Beat, this free workshop is designed to promote self-confidence, empowerment, individuality; to celebrate and encourage positive forms of self-expression through dance music.  

The Give a Beat sponsored DJ youth workshop lead by 20+ veteran music producer, remixer, promoter and DJ, Sante-Fe based Sattva Ananda will provide participating youth who are interested in learning how to make beats and/or DJ, a dynamic orientation of the electronic music industry. 

Youth (ages 10 to 20) will learn about the history of dance music and its values of inclusion, diversity, and compassion, plus an overview of career options, as well as the technical aspects involved in DJ'ing such as mixing 2 tracks, creating a mood for an audience, and finally, what it takes to make a beat and produce a track. 

RSVP's required. Space is limited to (15) participants.  
Sign up here:

Mind Gymnasium - Activate your full Potential w/ Samuel Favero

Sunday September 10th, 5pm 

Mind Gymnasium - led by Samuel Favero
Enhance your focus. Activate your unconscious power and intelligence. Manifest your full potential.

Mind Gymnasium is a workshop designed to introduce participants to traditional and cutting edge methods of performance enhancement through mental training. Breathwork, Guided Imagery, Auto-Suggestion, and Trance Utilization will be used in conjunction with physical practice and group exercises to demonstrate how altered states of consciousness can be used for personal development. 

Samuel Favero is a Wilderness EMT, Personal Trainer, Certified Hypnotherapist, and author of Knearl Znapps’s Book of Trances. 

Live Music Album Release - Simone - "Blowin' Smoke"

Friday September 8th, 7-9pm

Album title: Blowing Smoke 

 Simone Rael 21 years young, born April 25,1996 in Taos, NM. Performing music since 8 years old. Started on a hand drum, got my first guitar when i was 11 years old inspired by the greats such as Steviey Ray Vaughn, Bob Dylan, BB King, John Lennon and many other legends. A local artist trying to find my own sound while representing Taos Pueblo and the youth. Soulful music about life here and growing up on the reservation. trying to hold identity in a mixed world being a native of the Tiwa nation and Hispanic roots. Manifesting dreams into reality, while spreading medicine through music. Hopefully inspiring others to change and open their eyes to a more down to earth way of living,  Showing my family and friends that we all have our own medicine to spread. Send a message to love ourselves and to love each other and changing our vibrations to harmonize with one another. turn people on to the raw, earthy, organic, sway of the pueblo blues.

$5-$10 Suggested donation

Jade Egg Awakening

Sunday August 27th 7-9pm, Sliding Scale $5-$60

Do you want to feel radiant confidence, while tapping into a daily self-care ritual that brings you pleasure, joy, passion, and profound connection to your body, spirit, and soul? Do you want an authentic experience of your sexuality, to be in touch with who you truly are and all your body has to offer? It is not normal to feel like our yoni's are dirty, our bodies are something to be hated, or that sex is shameful. And yet culture, family, religion, and more all reinforce a negative view of women's bodies and their sexuality. Low grade-shame, negativity and disconnection from the body become the normal baseline for many women. We aren't taught to take care of our sexuality in a holistic way, as a daily self-care practice. The jade egg is a practice that evolved in ancient China, used in the Royal Palace with the queen and concubines, and is used today as a transformational tool that revolutionizes women's sexuality. The jade egg not only strengthens the yoni and vaginal muscles, but it also helps regulate the yoni, keeping it in good health and resilience. Through different practices, the jade egg can bring in tremendous pleasure, joy, and ecstasy, while simultaneously releasing sexual blockages and trauma stored in the body. It additionally aids in lifting sexual energy inward and upward where it can be transformed into higher spiritual energy, and utilized for growth, expansion, and getting in touch with one's intuition and desire. This workshop gives an introduction to the jade egg, how to insert it, use it in a safe and effective manner, and some basic practices to get you started in a regular yoni self-care routine. This workshop will kick-off a jade egg series of classes that will move through a variety of transformational tools for a more radiant, pleasurable, and in-touch sexuality. 

Participants must bring their own egg or purchase one at the workshop. You only want to use JADE as it is a porous stone that can be used internally. Other stones are not meant to used internally.

One CAN come to the workshop and just do the embodiment exercises without an egg.

Rachel Halder is a Sacred Sexuality Coach, empowering people--stuck in sexual shame and shut down inherited by culture, family or religion--transform their numbness, pain or trauma into pleasure. Her passion is teaching people how to form a sacred relationship with their body, sexuality, and turn on, giving them the deep and sexy connection they've been yearning for, recognizing that embodying our sexual selves is a form of sacred activism. With an MA in Religion, Rachel's thesis titled "Undressing Purity Culture: Finding Sexual and Spiritual Healing through Neuroscience, Trauma Recovery, and Embodied Inter-Spirituality" focused on holistic healing for those marginalized or spiritually traumatized by the Christian Church through LGBTQ+ identification and/or sexual suppression or abuse. Rachel is a student of Layla Martin’s 600-hour Integrated Sex, Love and Relationship coaching program at the Tantric Institute for Integrated Sexuality, incorporating Tantric philosophy mixed with modern neuroscience into her studies, programs, coaching, workshops, and retreats. Follow on Instagram @thesacredandthesexy or 

DIY with Shea Butter & Essential Oils - Toothpaste & Deodorant, Face/Body products

Friday August 25th for 7-9pm. Join us to learn how to Do It Yourself & make your own face & body cream, face/body wash, tooth paste & deodorant using raw organic shea butter and essential oils. $25- $30 to make some great products & learn about the benefits of essential oils for your skin from head to toe.
appetizers provided :)

Solar Eclipse Light Transmission

Welcome to another Adventure in Consciousness with Ariana.

On Monday, August 21 the sun, moon and Earth will line up in an act of cosmic serendipity that will turn day into night across the 2,680-mile width of the United States. This is a major event that will be witnessed by many and marks a huge RESET, the ramifications of which we will probably not see until later this fall. A new understanding of how the body is simply a manifestation of your thoughts and beliefs is possible, as well as a deep healing and reset of what has been perceived as damaged, lacking or diseased. You have the potential to reset your relationship to your body and your physical well-being.  

We will gather in a circle, open a portal of light and feel into the energies that will be available to us on this day. This event is a ceremony, an adventure in consciousness and activation of your ultimate potential. We will bathe in the light of who we are and share us selves with the wider collective on quantum particle level. There's nothing to do - but be - be your true self and shine your light upon this world! 

According to my Acturian guides this solar eclipse will be a rehearsal for the Ascension and intersection of dimensions, which is why we will be focusing during the guided meditation on activation of our individual and collective Merkaba.

After the guided meditation we will go outside and watch the peak of the eclipse, which will be a partial eclipse here in Taos.

This is a free event, donations greatly appreciated. 
Feel free to invite your friends.

It is recommended to bring crystals and water to charge by the high frequencies we will be transmitting. Some of the crystals will be burried around the perimeter of Taos with intention to hold the frequencies in our community, the water can be used as a homeopathic remedy to enhance the frequency of you water at home.

Hosted by Vera Ariana Le Doux -

Location - High Frequency Loft: A space for mindful movement & uplifting events. Acro. Yoga. Fitness. Dance. Qigong. Meditation. Music. Art. Life. 

(We will be sitting on the floor, if you have physical issues, consider bringing a chair.)

A note on timing: There's a 9-10 class before our event and a 11-12 class afterwards. Please be on time.

Tibetan Music Fieldwork Presentation with Andrea Clearfield

Dr. Andrea Clearfield, award winning composer who has held several fellowships at the Wurlitzer Foundation will show original footage from her Tibetan music fieldwork documenting Tashi Tsering, the last royal court singer of Lo Monthang, Nepal, in a restricted Himalayan region near Tibet. She will discuss how this ancient culture has influenced her life and music, and perform examples of her Tibetan influenced compositions with guest musician Heidi Svoboda (gongs).

Sunday August 20th, 7pm 

Sliding Scale $10-$20

Check out this 3 minute interview with Andrea about her work:

To learn more about this region of Upper Mustang, Nepal, visit:

Two of the musical pieces that they will perform: