Free Event - Field Trippin Youth Music Workshop with Cristina Vane, Zephaniah Stringfield & Paracosmic

"Behind The Music" is a FREE workshop for local youth (ages 7-17) being led by FTFest featured musicians' Cristina Vane, Zephaniah Stringfield & Paracosmic. The artists will delve into their respective styles of Blues, Country, & Funk, giving the attendees a moving, and grooving glimpse at these epic art forms. 

Friday August 31st, 3:30pm-5pm

LOCATION: High Frequency Loft, 1335 Gusdorf, Suite Q, Taos, NM.

RSVP's are appreciated for planning purposes. 

Vocal Sound Healing Journey: Throat Love Opening

Saturday August 25th, 2018, 1-5pm High Frequency Loft, Sliding Scale $15-$65, Space is Limited, Pre-Register today at HFL

In this afternoon workshop, you will be guided by Master Vocal Sound Healer Gwendolyn McClure to explore the use of your voice for healing all aspects of your Being. You will be guided to connect with your Heart and with the true Light & Love you are.

You will experience both passive and active vocal sound healing. Passive vocal sound healing is when you experience Gwendolyn singing and making vocal sounds to bring in the frequencies of pure love and light. Active vocal sound healing is when you soften your throat, connect your throat to your heart, and activate your voice to become a tool for clearing & strengthening your spirit and body. You will be guided in how to use your voice to clear pain & lower-frequency emotions, and claim yourself as the source of unconditional love.


Gwendolyn has 29 years of experience in Vocal Sound Healing: the passive and active use of vocal sound and singing for healing and transformation of consciousness. Through Heart, Intuition, and Mind, Gwendolyn shares her Songs and Vocal Sounds, transmitting the vibrational frequency of unconditional love to awaken and inspire people to commit to their healing journey in this body in this lifetime! She created techniques to guide people to “Activate” their Voice as a Self-Healing Tool. Gwendolyn wrote her doctoral dissertation on her work: “A Cross-Cultural Interdisciplinary Study of the Healing Power of Singing & Vocal Sounding” (Pacifica, 1998). Gwendolyn is a monthly contributor to SIBYL Magazine: For the Spirit and Soul of Woman, and has recorded to solo albums: Songs For The Earth, and Lullabies For The Heart. She shares her Gifts in the form of her VocalSoundHealer Radio Show, Concerts, Workshops & Private sessions in and outside the U.S. Gwendolyn has presented in CA, AZ, MI, NY, OR, WA, OH, NM, NV, ID, & Mexico!

And of course USE whatever parts of the BIO you like!! I know it is long!

Dr. Gwendolyn McClure Ph.D. L.MT.

(520) 904-2043

Throwing of Bone Ceremony - August - with Joanne Dodgeson

Join us for the August Throwing of the Bones, an ancient divination ceremony and healing art in the ways of Ka Ta See. In response to your questions, this powerful ceremony offers guidance and healing from the spirits. The doctoring begins before we gather and will continue to touch your life after you receive the ceremony.

Please visit: for more information

Sunday August 19th, 3-5pm, $20 suggested donation

Adventures in Consciousness with Ariana - August

“Adventures in Consciousness with Ariana” is a monthly event without structure or outline. In light of the new energies, you can't plan on anything, you have to be in the NOW. 

We will gather, connect and feel into the unified energy field of the group and the collective. The focus will be on activating the multidimensional mind and strengthening the “feeling muscle”. This is something new for all of us. How do you communicate with the unseen and undefined? That which is always moving, changing, shifting frequency? How do you translate THAT into human words? Do you need to? Can you express it in another way? 

Let’s find out!

These events could be referred to as the “Multidimensional Playground”, where we explore the heart space as the entry point to the inner worlds of infinite possibilities, where there’s no limit to what we can manifest, CO-CREATE, birth, experience, encounter and play with.

Through guided meditation and energy exercises we will explore a wide variety of topics relevant to the Journey of Awakening:

Unified Energy Fields
Multidimensional Self & Multidimensional Communication
Bilocation and Interdimensional Travel
DNA Activation, Light Body, Merkaba
Portals, Gateways, Gridwork
Healing, Self-healing, Rejuvenation
Ascension and Embodiment of the True Self
Taos City of Light

We are all awakening and beginning to REMEMBER that we are multidimensional beings. As we are all very unique in our genetic design and star heritage, we will empower and inspire each other to bring out the inherent skills hidden in our subconscious.

The first event is scheduled for Wednesday, May 16th at 4 PM, after that we meet every second Saturday of the month.

By donation. 

Hosted by Ariana (aka Vera Le Doux):

One Day Activation & Awakening w/ Matthew Ryan of Gamma Wave Healing

Join Matthew for an exciting and powerful 1 Day Workshop in Taos, NM, Sunday August 5, 10am-5pm.

Matthew has returned home from several months of travel and is ready to share some of the activations and information that he gained along the way. Chief among these travels were two visits to South Africa where he received many clearings and activations.

During this 1 Day Workshop, Matthew will facilitate several Energetic Group Clearings, intended to prepare everyone best to receive the activations available to the group.

Matthew will lead several Energetic Activations, specifically tailored to the attendees, as well as several Guided Meditations. All of this will open new pathways of access for you, helping you to move more smoothly with all of the increasing energies as we transit the Phase Shift into 5D.

The 1 Day Workshop will be held on Sunday August 5, from 10 AM to 5 PM, with a brief lunch after noon.

The event will take place at The High Frequency Loft, at 1335 Gusdorf Rd. Suite Q, Taos, NM.

The cost of the workshop is $150. If you need to speak with Matthew about a sliding scale, please contact him via email at or on Facebook via Messenger. Reservations can be made by clicking the link on the Facebook event page or at If you wish to pay for the workshop with Cash, please enter a Coupon Code of CASH2018 and you will not be charged.

Join Matthew and your other workshop cohorts for this excellent opportunity to attune your field into the current energies and to help create the world that we all came here to create.


LIVE MUSIC - the Second Wind Endeavor

Saturday July 28th, 6-9pm Playing a mix of R&B, Blues, Old Time, Folk & Latin Tunes.

The Second Wind Endeavor

n. The act by which one hopes or attempts to bring about the renewal of energy or commitment; the bid to prompt the rebirth of the gusto.

We are a musical project powered by the brains and hearts and hands and feet of we, and really, of you, too. With Michael Virga on guitar and lead vocals, Evan Sanchez on drums and cajon, Isaiah Kortright on bass and everything else, Rose Dragoo on viola and vocals, and Jesse Reist on banjo and cello, TSWE brings us together from far-flung locales and a wide variety of musical backgrounds to become a whole that is greater than the sum of it’s parts. For now, we are primarily founded on some amalgamation of folk, blues, old-time, funk, r&b,   and rock and roll. But that’s always evolving. Gotta be room to grow. Stay tuned. Imagination will save the world.

All ages welcome. Bring your family & friends.

Adventures in Consciousness with Ariana JULY

Saturday July 14th, 4-5pm, by Donation - “Adventures in Consciousness with Ariana” is a monthly exploratory, experiential and experimental event. 

We will gather, connect and feel into the unified energy field of the group and the collective. The energies prevalent in this field will be on the forefront of our consciousness, inviting us to play.  

During this particular post solstice event we will work with tones and light language on the cellular and DNA level in order to shift the physical, mental, and emotional body into a state of coherence and health.

We will be activating the multidimensional brain and strengthening the “feeling muscle”. This is something new for all of us. How do you communicate with the unseen and undefined? That which is always moving, changing, shifting frequency? How do you translate THAT into human words? Do you need to? Can you express it in another way? 

These events could be referred to as the “Multidimensional Playground”, where we explore the heart space as the entry point to the inner worlds of infinite possibilities, where there’s no limit to what we can manifest, CO-CREATE, birth, experience, encounter and play with.

Through guided meditation and energy exercises we will explore a wide variety of topics relevant to the Journey of Awakening:

Unified Energy Fields
Multidimensional Self & Multidimensional Communication
Bilocation and Interdimensional Travel
DNA Activation, Light Body, Merkaba
Portals, Gateways, Gridwork
Healing, Self-healing, Rejuvenation
Ascension and Embodiment of the True Self
Taos City of Light

We are all awakening and beginning to REMEMBER that we are multidimensional beings. As we are all very unique in our genetic design and star heritage, we will empower and inspire each other to bring out the inherent skills hidden in our subconscious.

This is an ongoing event. We meet every second Saturday of the month.

By donation. 

Hosted by Ariana (aka Vera Le Doux):

Personal sessions includes hands on healing and activation of your ultimate potential. By donation.


Circle of Light - Attune to the Harmonic Rays of the Pure One through an Energetic Activation

Circle of Light - Saturday, June 30, 1pm- 2pm, By Donation
Attune to the Harmonic Rays of the Pure One through an Energetic Activation
Experience expansion, peace and deep insights about your divine essence.
Light language, divine song and guided visualization offered by
Marla Ima Shanti read more about her at:

Solstice Ceremony - Throwing of Bones

Sunday June 24th, 1-3pm

Throwing of the Bones in the Ways of Ka Ta See
JoAnne Dodgson •

A Solstice Gathering to honor the earth’s changing seasons and the passages in your life.

Join us for Throwing of the Bones Ceremony, an ancient divination and healing art in the ways of Ka Ta See. In response to your questions, this powerful healing ceremony offers guidance, doctoring, and healing from the seventy spirits in the bone bundle. The doctoring from the spirits begins before we meet and will continue to touch your life after you receive the ceremony.

Come join us! 

$20 suggested donation

Summer Solstice Celebration - 108 Sun Salutations

108 Surya Namaskar in Celebration of Summer Solstice Event

Thursday June 21st, 9-11 am, Suggested Donation $12

Whether you can do 8 or 108, we invite you to participate!  

Classical Sun Salutations accompanied by the bija sounds and mantras for each position creating a powerful practice!

Modifications will be given at the beginning of class. 

If you don't want to do a physical practice, you are welcome to do a silent meditation, or chant along with the mantras.  A full guided relaxation will complete the practice.  All proceeds will benefit Stray Hearts Animal Shelter.

8 Week Tribal Fusion Belly Dance Workshop with Alana Grier

May 19th through July 7th, Saturdays 10:30 to 12:00, Drop Ins Welcome

Learn a fusion of different approaches to Belly Dance from American Tribal Style to ancient birth preparation. There is a good flow from strengthening drills to group choreography throughout the class.

Alana Grier, LMT, E-RYT, is a professionally trained dancer who began studying Matriarchal Belly Dance in 1986.

Her Tribal Fusion Bellydance class is a supportive community for women of all ages and phases of life through dance.

Belly Dance fundamentals covered:

• Prayer/Pranam Centering Exercise

• Technique & Drills

• Choreography Cues & Group Patterns

• Synchronized Group Improvisation

• Learn to Lead and Follow

• Finger Cymbal Patterns

• Tribal Costume Making

No previous dance experience necessary. 

Prenatal friendly.

Only $70 for all 8 weeks or $10 suggested drop in.

High Frequency Loft (HFL) 1335 Gusdof Suite Q

HFL members and punch cards welcome

Call 575-224-2022 for more information


Kirtan with the Band of Now - visiting Taos from Arizona

Friday June 15th, 7:30pm Sliding Scale $15-20 no one turned away for lack of funds!

Relax, breath and sing of beautiful things! 
Join us for a sweet evening of singing divine names and prayers. Kirtan is a call and response style of singing based in the Bhakti yoga science. Stilling the mind, softening the heart, evoking joy, and dissolving seperateness are just some of the magical benefits of this ancient practice. And it's just a sweet time in community. No experience necessary. Come join the band!
Check out our website:

Meet the band.
Prem Vidu - Vocals & Guitar
Blessed to be raised by musical parents, growing up on the sweet sounds of barbershop and dominant 7 chords, Prem Vidu was always interested in the intention behind the music. After gaining his BFA in Percussion Performance & Jazz Studies, life eventually led him to share his devotion through song and prayer. Guided to facilitate spirit-medicine journeys, he combines 10 years of leading ceremony with an 8 year practice of chanting. With a lifetime of musical experience, he now offers Kirtan, inviting all to share their voices together in devotion. He currently composes for, directs and leads The Band of Now, blending Sanskrit mantra and English lyrics, creating a sacred space for healing, peace and joy to cultivate.

Cassandra Bright - Vocals, Percussion & Harmonium
Cassandra began her yoga journey in 1998. Overwhelmed with life at the time...synchronistically, yoga arrived. Her first yoga experience (an Ashtanga Vinyasa class) kicked her butt, yet she wept with gratitude -- she’d found her way Home. Yoga instantly meant more than movement or exercise; it meant reconnecting with Self, with that part that was quietly awaiting her return. Drawing her deeper into yoga, and to yoga teaching training, she completed her first 200 hr YTT in Scottsdale in 1999, then journeyed to mother India in 2007 to experience Nithya Yoga, where she became Ordained as a Yogacharya and Ananda Spiritual Healer. Her study of Self and Yoga continue, recently completing an advanced training in Yoga & Ayurveda.The opening of her center, Gilbert Yoga in 2003, has allowed her and many others to share the gifts of yoga with thousands, and to initiate others into teaching as well.
Beginning with an asana based practice, she now finds her heart immersed in Bhakti Yoga, singing with her partner Prem Vidu in their band, The Band of Now. Together they hold space for heartfelt, soul-stirring yoga-medicine to flow.

Joined by Kelly Love - Vocals & Harmonium
Kelly Love is a beloved and highly valued kirtan response singer and has toured and played with kirtan artists near and far such as Girish, Larisa Stow & Johanna Beekman. She has been on stages of the biggest yoga and kirtan festivals, BhaktiFest and ShaktiFest, as well as many others. Kelly plays harmonium and adds her unique harmony vocals complementing her lead. When Kelly is not traveling the kirtan road, she shares her healing light through Thai Yoga Massage and Reiki. She is the founder of One Sacred Pearl providing lovingly crafted ritual tools for your holistic healing. 

Soothe Your Psoas - Trauma Informed Yoga - 3 week Series w/ Nita Maddux

Tuesdays 4:30-6pm, Beginning 6/12-6/26, By DONATION, attend all four or just drop in :)

What is trauma informed yoga? Well, honestly almost all hatha yoga is trauma informed.  It is the awareness that our body holds onto the tension and memories from past events. Through reworking the pattern of breathing, and releasing tension sometimes the past trauma is also able to release.  

 When we take the body out of patterns of flight or fight behavior something else happens. The executive functions of the brain become more available. These are the ability to look ahead, and see consequences of your actions, and make more rational decisions; the ability to remain in equilibrium while facing difficult, potentially triggering scenarios.

What do we do?  Through breath work practices, literally changing your patterns of breathing, stretching in specific shapes, and playfully changing old patterns of movement; we are able to break old patterns of thought and behavior. Many people experience deep relaxation and release from tension.

How effective is it? It is different for every person, how open are you to change?

I am offering this as a donation class. Come and try it, and decide if you want to pay after, and only pay what you can comfortably afford. This class will be adapted to who shows up; the level will vary depending on the participants. However, there is always opportunity for challenges for even the most experienced yogi. Further, this is an opportunity for teachers to learn a potentially new style.

Come, play, breathe, and learn to release.

Nita Maddux Bio:

Educational/ Certification Background: I have a degree in Fine Arts/ Dance from Boston University from 1990; I returned to school and received a degree in Physics from University of Montana in 2009.  I am a certified RYS 200 Iyengar instructor.  I took my yoga training at Maui Yoga Shala.  I further took a training in Ubud, Bali at Frog Lotus School in recovery yoga, also RYS 200 certified. I received both certifications in 2013. I have taken trainings from Elena Brower in Yoga Nidra, and from Deepak Chopra in embodied yoga. I have done two trainings with Desiree Rumbaugh.

Personal yogic philosophy:

I enjoy teaching to students at all levels. I am focused on teaching alignment, and taking the time to clearly describe the alignment elements in challenging postures.  I think that intelligent sequencing of postures is essential for allowing the practitioner to develop strength, spacial understanding, and to explore the emotional process triggered through a regular practice. I believe a regular yoga practice deepens our relationship to our physical, and subtle body. It therefore, allows the individual to awaken their own healing processes at the deepest level. I welcome the challenge, and love to research how to work with people with injuries or health challenges. Often those who think yoga is not for them, are the exact people who ought to practice. I believe in creating joyful, creative, intelligent flows. I believe each practice should be fun, engaging, and an intelligent conversation with your body. I am committed to taking my yoga off the mat, and offering donation or free classes. Further, I like to teach to senior groups, children’s groups, and would like to do further work with the criminal justice system. Yoga to me is an important service, and a great way to build community.

Opening Your Telepathic Channels

Sundays 4-6pm, Starting May 27th, Sliding Scale $15-$30, Drop Ins welcome

Awaken your innate ability to communicate with Higher Realms

Opening your Telepathic Channels 3 Week Course with Lindsay Aya McGowen

We are multi-dimensional beings living in a multi-dimensional world. Communicating with ethereal realms is your birthright, a sacred gift that is alive in every cell of your being. 

As we birth a new level of consciousness on the planet we are naturally called to connect with the vibrational world of subtle energy. Once we open the door to this vast universe we can meet our spiritual guides, angels & archangels, avatars, ascended masters, devas & ancient guardians, deceased loved ones, totem animals, star beings & more.

Like learning a new language, honing telepathic skills requires trust, play, & practice. 
Your journey begins now. 


BIO: Lindsay is a telepathic translator and intuitive to a council of 30 ascended light beings. Her communication with this divine council allows her to provide detailed guidance to support the evolution of each client’s highest self and facilitate the realization of their deepest goals and desires. Lindsay’s work is clarifying, uplifting, & empowering. It is her truest privilege to offer this service.

Adventures in Consciousness with Ariana

Second Saturday of the Month - Saturday June 9th & Saturday July 14th, 4pm, $10 Suggested Donation

A monthly event without structure or outline. In the light of the new energies we will gather, connect and feel into the unified energy field of the group and the collective. The focus will be on activating the multidimensional brain and strengthening the “feeling muscle”.

This  is something new for all of us. How do you communicate with the unseen and undefined? That which is always moving, changing, shifting frequency? How do you translate it into human words?

These events could be referred to as the Multidimensional Playground, where we explore the heart space as the entry point to the inner worlds of infinite possibilities, where there’s no limit to what we can manifest, co-create, birth, experience, encounter and play with.

We are all awakening and beginning to REMEMBER that we are multidimensional beings. As we are all very unique in our genetic design and star heritage we will empower and inspire each other to bring out the inherent skills hidden in our subconscious.  

Hosted by Ariana (aka Vera Le Doux):

CANCELLED!!!! Yoga & Art - Make a Garden Prayer Flag

We are so sorry, this event is CANCELLED. The presenter has a family emergency. We will reschedule for June. Stay tuned!

Join us to celebrate You and this gorgeous blooming season by practicing a creative 1 hr Vinyasa Gaia Flow and by creating your own mixed media 36"x16.5" garden/prayer flag, so every time the wind blows, your prayers and intentions move with Mother Gaia. 

All materials included, yet if you have a piece of fabric, a cool t-shirt that you would like to repurpose,  or something special, please feel free to bring it and make it part of this experience. 

*Garden stand Not included.

Breath & Sound Healing Circle w/ Alana & Alexandra

Sunday May 20th, 2-4pm, Sliding Scale $5-$25

Join Alana & Alexandra for a blissful afternoon of transmutation & a chance to activate your self healing abilities through:

~ Self Guided Energy Cleansing

~ Transformational Breathwork

 ~ Crystal Bowl Sound Healing

Has the stress of daily life got you down? Are there worries or fears that you have been dealing with? Are there any stagnant or challenging energies, emotions or situations that you want to release? Are you doing amazing & just want to enhance your greatness? Do you want to manifest your hearts truest desires? Then join us for this truly transformative afternoon. We will create a safe space & container for self love & deep healing. Wear Comfortable Clothes & Bring a journal. 


New Moon Women's Circle with Kelly White

May 16th at 7:30pm,  Sliding scale- $0-15

I would love for join me for the next women's moon circle on at The High Frequency Loft.  We will gather together to open our hearts and hold space for one another.  

The evening will start out with a crystal bowl sound healing to help us ground deeper into the earth, moving through to the Shamanic journey where the drum will stimulate the brain to help synthesize natural beta-endorphins, which facilitate you to move into what is known as the 'second attention', an altered state of awareness, or shamanic state of consciousness.  This state of awareness facilitates the Shamanic Journey.   The constant drumming will be used for the purpose of inducing a range of ecstatic trance states in order to connect with the spiritual dimension of reality.  I invite you to share your journey before we move on to setting our intentions with the energy of the new moon still high.  Closing our circle with yoga nidra to send you out into the world relaxed and fully emobodied

Please bring a journal. 

Dress in whatever you feel the most comfortable. Please limit your use of perfumes or sprays to respect any allergies that some may be experiencing.

Blessings to you dear sisters. Hope to see you all soon. 



Kelly Rae



Talk on Spirit Guides with Lindsay Mcgowan - FREE Event

Have you ever wondered about your team of Spirit Guides?

We are experiencing a huge transformation of consciousness on our planet.

One of the key realizations of this grand awakening is that we do not walk this Earth alone.  Each and every one of us is surrounded by a family of unconditionally loving Light Beings.  Every human comes in with their own unique team of Light Beings, whose sole contract is to help you evolve while you are here on Earth. They never leave your side.

Who are these magical beings and what is their intention?
How do you make conscious contact with them?
How do we use their guidance and unconditional love to assist
us in simplifying our lives?

In this talk we will discuss:
what a team looks like and how to begin to open to a
conscious dialogue.  We will explore the ways they are
allowed to assist us and why there are times they must stand
back and allow us to stumble.

Lindsay works with a Council of Light Beings with whom she has a Soul Contract to serve as their translator on the Earth plane. Through this Council she accesses Libraries of Light, Akashic Records, past lives, as well as the client’s Higher Self and specific spiritual guides to explore whatever issues a client might present.  Lindsay's work is the embodiment of three decades of spiritual training. For more information please visit her website where you can also contact her via email:

May 12, Saturday4:00 - 5:30pm, Free Event - Donations Appreciated

FIRSTS THURSDAYS Boozeless Ecstatic Dance Party with DJ Julia Daye

Join DJ Julia Daye for an evening of dance mediations. The ecstatic arc takes you on a movement journey starting off slow, coming to a peak, then softly bring you back down to rest in a meditative state. No structure, no judgements just move your body any way that you'd like. Find peace, freedom, joy & bliss through the music & the dance that emerges from within. This will be a Boozeless Thursday featured event. 

Thursday May 3rd, 7:30pm-9pm, $10 Drop In