Ecstatic Dance with Adem Joel

Sunday, November 7 | 11am-12:30pm ~ Adem Joel
$10-$20 sliding scale

We will be holding a dance weekly with various facilitators, artists & DJs. Connect with the cosmos through the freedom of movement, as we dance our intentions into life. Freeform dance expression gives us a chance to connect to ourselves. Deep cosmic activations are possible when we bring to light what we want and let go of what stands in our way. Gather with community in the sacred vortex of Taos, a land rich with prayer & tradition, as we embark on a journey of liberation, surrender, alignment, and celebration.

Let us remember that dance is a sacred practice that transcends language, cultural and personal barriers. We ask that all community members respect the personal space and expression of others.

This event is free from:
-Cell phones
-Alcohol & Drugs

Adem Joel aka LĀĀY LINES BIO:

Visionary. Activator. Conduit. Gaia Grid energy. Sustainability. Love.
Blending elemental aspects both organic and hyper Cosmic ranging from tropical Afro house all the way down to subterranean sonic spectrums of ground rumbling basslines blended with enchanting melodic frequencies.
Creating ritual sounds through frequency, vibration and energy..
Shifted my focus inward to make fun dance music that nurtures human consciousness. The intention of the LAAY LINES project Is intended to connect us with the sonic pallet of the crystalline energy grid of the earth and give listeners a way of reconnecting to out planet through dance and music. 
