Ecstatic Dance with Wildcat

Sunday, Febraury 12 | 11 am - 12:30 pm ~ Wildcat
$10-$20 suggested sliding scale

We will be holding a dance weekly with various facilitators, artists & DJs. Connect with the cosmos through the freedom of movement, as we dance our intentions into life. Free form dance expression gives us a chance to connect to ourselves. Deep cosmic activations are possible when we bring to light what we want and let go of what stands in our way. Gather with community in the sacred vortex of Taos, a land rich with prayer & tradition, as we embark on a journey of liberation, surrender, alignment, and celebration.

Let us remember that dance is a sacred practice that transcends language, cultural and personal barriers. We ask that all community members respect the personal space and expression of others.

This event is free from:
-Cell phones
-Alcohol & Drugs

Bio: Wildcat was born in the Oklahoma Seminole Nation and moved around a lot growing up, living in a number of different cultures in this country and traveling abroad. Music (especially singing and drumming), dance, and the psychedelic sacrament medicines are important parts of his spiritual relationship with reality, as are meditation, asana, and time in nature. His family includes 3 dog women and his romantic partner, all of whom spend as much time playing outdoors as possible. He studied mathematics and mechanical engineering in school then left it all behind to do regenerative ecology work, focusing on the restoration of biodiversity above and within the ground, with an emphasis on fungi. He’s been DJing for 20 years, exploring the world of musical styles in the process.

Music: Wildcat’s musical focus is on the beautiful, the psychedelic, the emotionally stirring, the deeply funky, the healthy sexy, and on soundscapes that paint vivid pictures within him. He loves organic indigenous musical traditions from around the world, African and Afro-Caribbean rhythms, modern combinations of these old traditions, and the new spaces where modern electronica production styles interface with them. His favorite dance tracks have the rooted, Earthy, indigenous elements grounding them, the core-centered strong sexuality, the chest-centered urban style cool funk sensibility, and the powerful psychedelic spiritual science informing his spirit as he moves with them. In his life in general and as a musician, Wildcat focuses on bringing good medicine.