NEW 6:30AM Fitness Classes Starting in February with Shiphrah

Mondays 6:30AM - Tabata & HIIT group class:

This Tabata Strength Workout is an advanced High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) that will challenge every muscle in your body with tough, whole-body exercises. Each Tabata set includes 20 seconds of strength training followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated for a total of 4 minutes. This workout is best for advanced exercisers who are comfortable with complex movements and intense training.

Wednesdays 6:30AM - Deactivating Techniques Class:

It’s easy to forget or overlook stretching because its results are not as obvious (or so you thought!). Turns out, stretching is the most effective way to prevent injury and musculo-skeletal pain in both long and short term. Being seated for much of the time makes the glutes shut down while other muscles take over, leading to injury and over-stressing the joints. Those who exercise frequently may find themselves with overworked muscles, and lack of proper form can lead to muscle fatigue and misfiring. The techniques I apply in this deactivation class are universal, and designed in a way to fully open up and disengage anything that's been locked up or overly contracted through strenuous exercise. Join me in a wonderful morning routine with dimmed lights, warm tea, and an opening yoga flow.

Shiphrah Campbell:
NASM certified personal trainer Cont. education in Corrective Exercise
Rousing Inc. is here to help you reach your fitness goals, no matter where you’re starting from. Each person receives a specialized workout for every session that returns the spine to healthy neutrality and radically transforms the musculoskeletal system to a balanced point. I design clients’ workouts to fight against sedentary culture, which has us all living in a box. Whether it be from driving, sitting at our desk on our computers, or even holding our cell phones. The consequences from such lifestyle choices stem from unhealthy neck posture to spinal misalignment and beyond. Rousing is here to help you fight that and reach a place of health where you feel empowered to stay.