Self Love, Self Care, Self Massage

Saturday, September 23 | 6 pm - 7:30 pm ~ Reverend Elektra Moon
$22-$44 sliding scale

Join Elektra Moon for an evening of deep relaxation and sweet self-care.

This workshop is designed to bring relaxation, renewal, and vitality to the whole body.

We will begin with gentle movement and breath techniques to tune into the body and quiet nervous system. From there we will explore self-massage techniques for the whole body focusing on the areas of major tension and discomfort. Using palms, knuckles, fingers, forearms arms, and elbows to manipulate soft tissue to release restrictions. Accompanied with essential oils for targeted treatment and greater relaxation.

Self massage is a wonderful way to create deeper connection with your body and is a great way to maintain benefits of regular massage and bodywork.

Potential Benefits:

  • Deep relaxation

  • Connection to self

  • Decreases pain

  • Lymphatic drainage

  • Increased mobility

  • Increased blood circulation

  • All over well-being

Looking forward to unwinding with you.

Bio for Reverend Elektra Moon, LMT,MTI, Cst-t, Dragon Reiki Master

Wholeness and expansive bliss, thank you for being here. My mission is one of remembrance, remembrance of self. Through the art of love, I will guide you safely through the multiverse layers so you can remember what your specific key and mission is while you are on this beautiful planet we call Earth.

As an Oracle, I am able to hold vast spaces so you can safely explore your shadows, your light, and your love.  I will help you align with your authentic vibration so that all you are truly meant to be will shine through on your journey to wholeness. My life has been a deep journey of trauma to triumph. From childhood sexual trauma to generation drug addiction. I took it upon myself to do the work to heal myself and my loved ones.

I started school for massage therapy when I was 19 and became licensed at the age of 20. I then completed nursing by the age of 30. This is when addiction took its turn.  In February 2011 my life hit rock bottom. I had overdosed on cocaine and alcohol. During this profound death experience, I was told I needed to come back and help, to heal, and to love.

I dove deep into holistic health, detoxing, and sobriety. I returned to massage school focusing on detoxification. This process reignited my love and passion for the health and healing of the human body.

In 2013 I found a love and fascination with the energies of the central nervous system and cerebral spinal fluid. How the slightest disruptions in these fragile systems create disease in the body. I dove deeper into my education and at the Upledger Institute, I studied the proper workings of Cranial Sacral therapy. I use this on a daily basis with every client to bring balance to the body as a whole system.

This system also opened up remembrances of Akashic Records, DNA Regenerations, Implant Removals, Meridian and Chakra cleansing, balancing and activations using Dragon Reiki, Massage Therapy modalities, Sound Therapy, and Multidimensional medicines.

I took the time to learn these healing modalities of awareness because of how they have helped me along my path. It is my dream and my passion to share in the collective healing of Mother Earth.

Certified in many modalities and offer training of my own. My work is intuitive and educational combining modalities for my client’s WholeBody wellbeing. In all of this, I bring elements of Ritual and Ceremony that I have been practicing all my life. I have always held circles for the moon and danced with the dragons. I love to create a safe space for you to be messy.