The Secret Gong Orchestra brings 100 gongs to Taos @the HFL

The Land of Enchantment is about to be Energized with the Gong collections of Al Faaet, Kenneth Goff, Mitch Nur, and Jeff Sussmann. Bringing together over 150 years of musical experience, and an impressive collection of Gongs from all over the world, this performance will open the dimensions of Gong play far beyond your usual 'gong bath' or similar presentation. Don't confuse this with the expected display of crashing and bashing you see today; but the formal presentation of ambient textures and nuances carefully expressed through an inter-dimensional tonal soundscape.

This unique performance is bringing together Gong artist's from both the East and West Coasts, merging with Santa Fe's more prolific live musicians. This is a layout event, so bring something comfortable to lay on, blanket or pillow as necessary, we will have mats out as well.

Sliding Scale $49

To find out more about them visit